Elizabeth Ann's Estate Sales, LLC

Oregon City Estate Sale

Dates & Times

The sale you are looking at occurred in the past.

Cash only sale as the house is in a cellular dead spot making credit/debit use difficult.

This is a one day sale!

Bring help to move any large purchases

Plenty of on street parking

Midcentury bedroom set

Sandstone creations Michael Atkinson artist

Sweet grass baskets

Handmade baskets by Papago Indians of southern Arizona

Rick Werito Indian jewelry N.M

Some sterling silver jewelry

Costume jewelry



Contour china serenity pattern

Full kitchen

Small kitchen appliances

Ladies clothing


Three couches, (one a hide-a-bed)

Coffee table and matching end tables

Leather recliner

Leather club chairs


Midcentury coffee table


Dining table 6 chairs two extensions

Black leather seats on chairs

Small matching display hutch

Queen mattress and frame

Nice Full size mattress and frame

Patio furniture

Tool chest

Small hand tools

Upright freezer

Misc. garage stuff, yard tools

Canning jars and misc.

And more.