Elizabeth Ann's Estate Sales, LLC

Clackamas Estate Sale by Elizabeth Ann's Estate Sales

Dates & Times

The sale you are looking at occurred in the past.

This place is full, Modern to vintage. Generations of eclectic collectibles, old books, vintage toys, games, holiday decorations. Tons of sewing patterns and fabric, arts and craft supplies, yard art and much much more. We are still emptying out closets,  see photos then come and dig. 

Vintage Toys, games,

Army officers saber model 1902 with scabbard and leather saber knot


Lots of Books,

military, gardening, cook books

CD's and DVD's

Costume jewelry

Silver-plate flatware



Lots of sewing material and quilting

Old trunks

Full kitchen

Office supplies 

Brass floor lamps

Royal Dalton

Yamaha surround sound

Come early and plan to spend a while looking and digging for those rare finds.