Elizabeth Ann's Estate Sales, LLC

Oregon City Estate Sale by Elizabeth Ann's Estate Sales

Dates & Times

The sale you are looking at occurred in the past.

This is a small home with parking at a premium; I want to be up front about that.  The owner was a World War II Army Air Corps Pilot and POW. This man gave his all for his country and I felt that it was the least that I could do to support his family in their effort to liquidate his and his wife's estate after their passing.  I am hoping all of you will join us at Elizabeth Ann's Estate Sales to help make that happen.  We have made a picture board of his medals, letters and a picture of him for you see as you shop.  Please honor this family by showing your support in coming to the sale. We will have a basket placed in the home for any message you would like to leave the family.
Please see pictures for sale contents.

Son lives on the property so there is 24 hour security.